

Here's some of the feedback from our customers in Australia & Japan:


David S - Qld

Hi Tim - wow, just tried these out in NZ and I can honestly say its the first time ive had zero knee pain after a day on the slopes.
Also I am pretty fit person but ive never been able to ride so many lifts even when i trained 6 months at PT years ago for a ski trip.
Still waiting to see my vertical meters for the day but it will be huge.
I am wishing i knew about these years ago.

Ross J - Sydney

I just spent four days at Perisher using my new ski mojo.

The results - no significant difference to the skiing - I wasn't aware of using them, but a huge difference in the thigh burn and inflamed knee. Skiing was becoming a painful struggle. Now I have no such limitations. After four full days of skiing, at 75 years old, my legs have no tiredness. No more stopping halfway down a run.

I should have bought this years ago. The only problem is that my wife has sore legs keeping up with me.



Matt I - Ipswich

Ski Mojo is the best!  I'm 46 now and have had mine for 5 years, and I've never skied better.  Took them to Big White in Canada, skied all day.  Falls Creek with the family, skied all day.  Amazing product!  
I'm taking the kids to Perisher next week and will ski all week no problems with zero pre-training. Then will be heading to Thredbo for the annual boys trip, and yes, will ski harder than everyone there thanks to Ski Mojo!  I feel like I'm 20 when I use the Mojo, that's how good these things are.
Why isn't everyone using them?  They will change your life (OK, your skiing life!).  
Thanks again Tim

Phil W - Sydney

Hi Tim,

Wow.... that’s all I can say. My mid morning leg burn never arrived. Still going hard at near 2pm


Alex R -Nozawa Onsen

Probably the best money I have ever spent on skiing equipment




Edmond P - Melbourne

These are fantastic. I use them for snowboarding. It feels like you're sitting on a chair while going down the slopes. Thank you Tim for getting them to me to time before my trip. I can now see myself snowboarding well into my 50's! not only has it stopped my cramping, its also improved my carving. Excellent product! I highly recommend it even if you are already a strong snowboarder. Great with jumps too! Just make sure you fit them and adjust the height correctly or they won't work as well.


Sue P - Sydney




Allan L - Canberra:

 Finally got a chance to use the SkiMojo!!! I can’t believe they would exceed my expectations by so much. I might need to adjust them a bit as I had trouble locking on yesterday. I think the upper attachment was too far around the back and I couldn’t straighten my leg enough. I just left them set which was a bit of fun on the chair, but otherwise easier. 

My mate wants to try a set… partly to shut me up. He’s about the same age. He has dodgy knees too. I would lend him mine, but what would I ski with? I’m astounded at how well they work. Three days of hard skiing and no knee pain (or thigh burn). 


James M - Melbourne

Ski Mojo was amazing. Loved it as it really helped my confidence and skiing. I can’t give it enough praise. 


Katy's Testimonial

I’ve just returned from a trip to Colorado where I skied the best I ever have and with the least effort, thanks to the Ski Mojo. What a find! I’ve never been a strong skier – I’ve got one dodgy hip which plays havoc with alignment – and was at my lowest fitness level for years, but I skied all day without achy knees, burning thighs or the need to stop every five minutes for a break. A friend skiing with me commented that my skiing position was much better – which I guess is why I wasn’t so tired. I certainly felt more powerful – not only did I look like the bionic woman (I hadn’t realised you could wear the support under your pants) but I felt like her too!


John H Testimonial

I have just returned from a ski holiday in Breckenridge USA where I tried the ski~mojo for the first time since purchasing it last year.On the first run the device felt a bit strange but by the second run it became less obvious that I was wearing the equipment at all. I then skied for four hours and realised that I had skied every run from top to bottom none stop with out any adverse effect on my thighs what so ever.In the following 8 days I went from strength to strength skiing faster, stronger and with more style than I had ever skied in my life. I have been skiing for over 30 years and now approaching 60 years of age.The ski~mojo now enables me to ski better than I have ever skied with little or no strain on my legs and I feel I can go on all day until the lifts close. Without a doubt this is the best spent money I have ever laid out on a piece of ski-kit, Well done to you all.


Barry's Testimonial

 Just to let you know I returned from the three valleys on Sunday, having tried out the mojo for a week. The conditions were just about perfect with snow almost every evening / night, 10cm to 20cm. Nothing in life is perfect but the mojo came close. I am fast approaching 60 and the old knees meant I would usually give up at best, mid afternoon. It took all of 10 mins to get used to the mojo, and providing you remember to switch off at the chair lifts, I couldn’t see a problem.It may take some thinking about if sitting down for the loo, but walking and sitting down at a table, bending down to retrieve a dropped glove or pole are no problem at all. Needless to say I found getting an edge on a fairly steep slope was no problem at all, it really did not affect my skiing at all except I was able to ski from 9-30 am till 4-45 pm with 45 mins for lunch. EVERY DAY and I did not have to take my usual anti – inflammatory tablet every evening. At the end of the week my knees were still tired, but then again so were my two sons. I have never endorsed any product before which should give some idea as to how much I thought about the mojo!So many thanks for a great idea, I’m sure you have extended my skiing career significantly.





"Without this kit skiing would be half the fun for me. I will never ski without it again"
"If you want to ski with people half your age, with little or no pre-trip fitness training and be rushing for the last connecting lift of the day – all without leg ache, get Ski~Mojo."
"I don’t know how my shot knees would manage without it."
"Thought I’d have to give up skiing but not with Ski~Mojo. Three straight days in the powder – no pain, no swelling – just epic skiing."
Dr M H Binet is a world renowned ski physician who is a Board Member of ISSS (International Society for skiing Safety) and Secretary-Treasurer of SITMESH (The International Society for Skiing Traumatology and Winter Sports Medicine).
This is the statement he provided about the Ski~Mojo:
The ski~mojo allows skiers with weak or damaged knees or weak leg muscles to ski longer each day and indeed will extend their ski life. Injuries or damage to the knees will lead to weaker leg muscles.The ski~mojo does this by directly supporting some of the body weight and because of the way that this support is “sprung”, the ski~mojo also acts as a shock absorber, significantly reducing the stress and strains applied to the legs and knees.Based on my personal experience I would recommend the ski~mojo to skiers with:
  • Arthritis of the knee
  • Recurrent swelling of the knee joint
  • Cartilage damage
  • Knee reconstruction surgery
  • Total Knee Replacement
The ski~mojo is not a brace to support the knee and hold the joint in place and consequently is not recommended as an alternative to a knee brace for skiers suffering from:
  • Ruptured ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament)
  • Instability of the knee resulting from other injuries
  • Easy patella (knee-cap)dislocation
However, for these skiers a ski~mojo can be used in addition to a knee brace as although it will not support the knee, it will significantly reduce the stresses and strains that the knee is subjected to and therefore should reduce the risk of further damage or injury.The level of support given by the ski~mojo is initially based on the skiers weight. However, this can be increased or decreased based on the skiers’ individual requirements.My personal experience of using the ski~mojo is that;
  • I find it easy to ski with
  • I Immediately feel the support given
  • I feel no pain in the muscles after a long downhill run, but I’m still short of breath…
  • I do not like to ski without it! (I have no knee or muscles damage)
 Dr McManner's TestimonialI have been a keen skier since 1981 and I am now 54 years old working as a full time GP. Until 2002 I had no problems of any sort with my knees and was able to ski all day. From 2002 gradually skiing became more and more painful and investigations revealed I have extensive osteoarthritis in both knees of such severity as to warrant knee replacements should I wish. By 2008 a skiing holiday consisted of one or two very painful slow runs in the morning, reading a book at a restaurant until my friends returned for lunch and then one or two painful slow runs in the afternoon before slowly returning to the resort.In 2008 I heard about the ski~mojo and used it in Zermatt for the first time in March 2009. To say it was an improvement is a gross understatement, it was an absolute revelation.I weighed 14 stones 7 pounds on that holiday and I found that with the ski~mojo set to its maximum support I was able to ski with virtually no pain of any sort, as fast as I wished, and despite having weak thigh muscles as a result of the osteoarthritis I found little fatigue after an entire days skiing.I was able to ski the entire week without difficulties or cumulative fatigue. It took only a single run to adapt to the wonderful support provided by the ski~mojo, the sensation when skiing with a ski~mojo is quite excellent, best described as weighing one third of your normal weight with skis that seem glued to the snow. There is no loss of control, indeed if anything control is enhanced particularly on ice as the springs adapt to chattering across ridges much faster than your muscles can.Also it is easy wearing a ski~mojo to adopt and return from a full schuss position without any strain at all.I have the ski~mojo to thank for allowing me to return to the pleasures of near painless fatigue free skiing.